Monday, January 7, 2008

The Dreaded "R" Word...

Yep, the dreaded "R" word that always shows up around this time of year..."Resolutions"...
I have made several to myself, some of them I will share here...
1. Eat better
2. Lose weight
3. Exercise (I would say more, but anything is more than what I was currently doing)
4. Choose my words wisely.
5. Be kinder to everyone I come in contact with on a daily basis.
6. Be better about my spending habits. Choose what I buy wisely, and really weigh if I need the item, or if it is just a want?
7. Think about/Create some small form of art every day!

Kev and I just joined a gym, tonight was our first workout...I anticipate being sore tomorrow...we have been eating EXTREMELY well lately. AND I am even working on cutting back the amount of caffine I take in on a daily basis...i.e. more water, less pop. We are making better food choices, and keeping healther snacks in the house.
OK I got to hit the shower, and do some studying for my class tomorrow.
Wishing everyone their own version of bliss...

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