So, this is it. I have FINALLY found a place that I belong, and things are going well. A few hundred dollar sales, and yesterday almost a $400 sale can't be wrong right?
So I got to work with our newest team member today, Floyd. He is such a sweetie, and it is great working with him. He REALLY wants to do a great job, and impress everyone, and he is REALLY coming along nicely when it comes to selling and training. I quizzed him on a few things while I was doing a cleaning task that I was assigned to today. It was great because I got a refresher on skin care too.
I love the questions that our managers pose for us, to get us to think of new ways to associate products, and stuff! It is so much fun trying to come up with different cocktails for people to try in the bath and shower!
Everyone at work TOTALLY loved my hair, and the ladies at the Coney Island I visit for lunch sometimes liked it a lot too. Random people in the mall were stopping me and asking me how I got my hair to look like that, and telling me how good it looked. My friends across the street in the OAKLEY store remarked how "cool" it looked as well and how much it "suits me!"
The funniest thing happens a lot to me lately...I notice that as soon as I tell people I will be starting beauty school in a few weeks, the inevitable question that I am asked from them next is, "What do YOU think I should do with my hair?" I give them MHO, and then they are like, "WOW! Thanks, I never would have thought of that!"
Speaking of school, orientation is in 10 days! How excited am I? Well, I guess I am counting down the days, so that tells you something right there, eh? I hope that my uniforms arrive in time! I ordered them over two weeks ago, and I still do NOT HAVE THEM YET! I am getting the run around from the post office, as to when they will be delivered too! There is almost a weeks discrepancy from what JASCO Uniforms is telling me when they will be delivered, and what I am getting from the Post Office!
Next time I am making SURE to pay for expedited shipping, and that FEDEX will deliever it. It arrived in our post office on the 17th, so it is RIDONKULOUS to me that I do not have it today, 6 days later!
Ah, well there is always tomorrow I guess!
K that is about it for now. I gotta go back to my pile o laundry and get that taken care of, plus I need to do some other random tidying up around the house! I clean a lot at work, and when I come home I am still in that mindframe I guess.
Hubs and me were talking last night, about how we are REALLY proud of ourselves for keeping our apartment up and tidy. Which is NOT always easy, when you have 2 people working. Plus my schedule is so random lately. The past two days I opened the shop, tomorrow I close.
Not that I mind. It is fun! It gives me a chance to get a lot of things done around here, and meet up with friends when I have the time for it (and the money for coffee!)
Got my second paycheck today! YEA! Surprise! I thought that we weren't getting paid until Friday!
And my bonus from last month was on this check, so that is always nice too!
K, high ho high ho! Back to the household chores I go!
Currently listening : Fantastic Planet By Failure Release date: 1996-08-13 |
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