Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wow! I need to Update this Bitch More Often!

So, what is up my people?

I assure you I am NOT dead in a ditch somewhere's.

Honestly? I am a MySpace whore, and I forget to update this blog a lot of the time. Feel free to visit my page (link is listed on my profile!)

New things to talk about since last post...

Wow, so many!

I turned 29 this year, I am actually looking FORWARD to 3-0 next year! My 20's where VERY tumultuous to say the least... :(

I graduated in June this year with my Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts.

I FINALLY (ABOUT TIME I KNOW!) figured out what I wanted to do with my life...

I am going to be a hair stylist!!! I start school in less than a month! WAHOO!

I already started doing hair for the people I loved! I got to cut my hubs hair a bit, and I am doing one of my closest friends hair tomorrow!

I am going to be doing something RADICALLY different to my hair tomorrow, so look for a new profile pic!

I FINALLY got a REALLY cool job that I TOTALLY love! I work as a Part-Time Keyholder for LUSH Cosmetics. They are the BEST company, and I LOVE LOVE WUB the people I work with.

Next month I will be celebrating 4 years of wedded bliss (um, most of the time!) to my hubster Kevin, Oct. 30th!

My only sadness? I have seem to forsook my art...

I haven't scrapped or made ANY journals or anything for people in so long! (Sorry to all of you who are waiting ever so patiently...I will get my act in gear soon!)

My weight is fluctuating quite a bit this year, I was down about 30-ish pounds, but I am sadly not there anymore...this will be changing soon, as I have gave my most solemn of vows to do South Beach with one of my closest friends! That will hopefully be starting soon!

I am trying to get more depth and precision in my art, my husband (who is a graphic GENIUS!) looked over some of my work, and critiqued it, now I want to rip everything apart and re-do it. I tried working at a scrap book store again, but when I applied, I was told my work is "too basic!" Ouch! It was old work, but I love it. You have to start somewhere right?

BUT...instead of dwelling on the negitive....

I am just going to move forward with the layouts that I am working on now...

This is my motto for 2008 and beyond...

"BE the CHANGE that you WISH to SEE in the WORLD!" ~ Ghandi

Hope that all is well with you my friends...

(New Nickname...)

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