Sunday, October 19, 2008

Busy Weekend...and well, ALL of Last Week, actually...

So things got a bit crazy this week,

I got sick and had to miss two days of school, and I had to leave work a bit early one day...

Every DAY this past week I had SOMEthing going on!

I worked or went to school every day, and then I went to the CF Luau on Friday, after putting in a full 6 hours @ school, then I went to my beautiful Cousin's wedding (Jessica & Todd -Congrats to the Happy Couple!!)

Today I had to work, and I did a bit of holiday shopping (got 3 Christmas gifts outta the way for my fam, and part of my anniversary present to the hubster!) Because I had to work today, and I wanted to get some stuff from work before it was gone! Plus, I have 15 minute break that is MANDITORY, so I had to do something during that time!

Beth-Sorry I missed your birthday party yesterday! I hope you had a great day, got really spoiled, and had a lot of cake too! I still wasn't feeling 100% yesterday, and I didn't want you and the kids getting sick! I hope you had a great day though! I know that you got fed well! (Kev brought me a plate home from your mom!)

Holiday presents are going to be VERY spartan this year, (And NO I do NOT mean Michigan State Themed, I just meant not a lot is going to be given! Sorry y'all but we are poor! )

I got a REALLY good idea for a Halloween Costume for hubs & me this year. Taking my "little sister" Carrie over to MY Big Sister's house, so she can meet my fam, and visa versa, and so that we can spend some time together! I am SO proud of that girl! She is bringing the A's down! She has several of them, a B, and 1 C in Spanish, but she already got a tutor and it is boosting her grade DRAMATICALLY she is telling me! I am SO proud of her.

Additionally, it really warmed my heart to see my cousin together with her husband this past weekend...they are so happy together, and such a great couple. This kind of love you do NOT see everyday, and I get goosebumps just looking at them!

Look for some pics to be posted tomorrow, er...later on today, technically!!!!

I am too tired now!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lord, Thank You For This Job...

So, this is it. I have FINALLY found a place that I belong, and things are going well. A few hundred dollar sales, and yesterday almost a $400 sale can't be wrong right?

So I got to work with our newest team member today, Floyd. He is such a sweetie, and it is great working with him. He REALLY wants to do a great job, and impress everyone, and he is REALLY coming along nicely when it comes to selling and training. I quizzed him on a few things while I was doing a cleaning task that I was assigned to today. It was great because I got a refresher on skin care too.

I love the questions that our managers pose for us, to get us to think of new ways to associate products, and stuff! It is so much fun trying to come up with different cocktails for people to try in the bath and shower!

Everyone at work TOTALLY loved my hair, and the ladies at the Coney Island I visit for lunch sometimes liked it a lot too. Random people in the mall were stopping me and asking me how I got my hair to look like that, and telling me how good it looked. My friends across the street in the OAKLEY store remarked how "cool" it looked as well and how much it "suits me!"

The funniest thing happens a lot to me lately...I notice that as soon as I tell people I will be starting beauty school in a few weeks, the inevitable question that I am asked from them next is, "What do YOU think I should do with my hair?" I give them MHO, and then they are like, "WOW! Thanks, I never would have thought of that!"

Speaking of school, orientation is in 10 days! How excited am I? Well, I guess I am counting down the days, so that tells you something right there, eh? I hope that my uniforms arrive in time! I ordered them over two weeks ago, and I still do NOT HAVE THEM YET! I am getting the run around from the post office, as to when they will be delivered too! There is almost a weeks discrepancy from what JASCO Uniforms is telling me when they will be delivered, and what I am getting from the Post Office! Next time I am making SURE to pay for expedited shipping, and that FEDEX will deliever it. It arrived in our post office on the 17th, so it is RIDONKULOUS to me that I do not have it today, 6 days later! Ah, well there is always tomorrow I guess!

K that is about it for now. I gotta go back to my pile o laundry and get that taken care of, plus I need to do some other random tidying up around the house! I clean a lot at work, and when I come home I am still in that mindframe I guess.

Hubs and me were talking last night, about how we are REALLY proud of ourselves for keeping our apartment up and tidy. Which is NOT always easy, when you have 2 people working. Plus my schedule is so random lately. The past two days I opened the shop, tomorrow I close.
Not that I mind. It is fun! It gives me a chance to get a lot of things done around here, and meet up with friends when I have the time for it (and the money for coffee!)

Got my second paycheck today! YEA! Surprise! I thought that we weren't getting paid until Friday! And my bonus from last month was on this check, so that is always nice too!

K, high ho high ho! Back to the household chores I go!


Currently listening :
Fantastic Planet
By Failure
Release date: 1996-08-13

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wow! I need to Update this Bitch More Often!

So, what is up my people?

I assure you I am NOT dead in a ditch somewhere's.

Honestly? I am a MySpace whore, and I forget to update this blog a lot of the time. Feel free to visit my page (link is listed on my profile!)

New things to talk about since last post...

Wow, so many!

I turned 29 this year, I am actually looking FORWARD to 3-0 next year! My 20's where VERY tumultuous to say the least... :(

I graduated in June this year with my Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts.

I FINALLY (ABOUT TIME I KNOW!) figured out what I wanted to do with my life...

I am going to be a hair stylist!!! I start school in less than a month! WAHOO!

I already started doing hair for the people I loved! I got to cut my hubs hair a bit, and I am doing one of my closest friends hair tomorrow!

I am going to be doing something RADICALLY different to my hair tomorrow, so look for a new profile pic!

I FINALLY got a REALLY cool job that I TOTALLY love! I work as a Part-Time Keyholder for LUSH Cosmetics. They are the BEST company, and I LOVE LOVE WUB the people I work with.

Next month I will be celebrating 4 years of wedded bliss (um, most of the time!) to my hubster Kevin, Oct. 30th!

My only sadness? I have seem to forsook my art...

I haven't scrapped or made ANY journals or anything for people in so long! (Sorry to all of you who are waiting ever so patiently...I will get my act in gear soon!)

My weight is fluctuating quite a bit this year, I was down about 30-ish pounds, but I am sadly not there anymore...this will be changing soon, as I have gave my most solemn of vows to do South Beach with one of my closest friends! That will hopefully be starting soon!

I am trying to get more depth and precision in my art, my husband (who is a graphic GENIUS!) looked over some of my work, and critiqued it, now I want to rip everything apart and re-do it. I tried working at a scrap book store again, but when I applied, I was told my work is "too basic!" Ouch! It was old work, but I love it. You have to start somewhere right?

BUT...instead of dwelling on the negitive....

I am just going to move forward with the layouts that I am working on now...

This is my motto for 2008 and beyond...

"BE the CHANGE that you WISH to SEE in the WORLD!" ~ Ghandi

Hope that all is well with you my friends...

(New Nickname...)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Quickie Update...

Things are looking good on the job front.

I am waiting to hear back from a few people today, and I am going to follow up with a few retail stores that I applied for.

I am really excited about all of the possible job opportunities that I have available to me. They are all so fun and exciting and DIFFERENT!!!

I will let you know who the lucky winner of "ME" the new employee will be!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another Day...Another Round of Interviews...

Come hell or high water I am DETERMINED to have a job by the end of this week! Even if I am JUST working at Wendy's again! I have some prospects out there, but nothing 100% concrete yet, unfortunantly. I hope that I am in the running (at least) for a few of the jobs that I have interviewed for. I should find out later on this week the status of a lot of jobs (both full and part time!) that I have applied for.

Another interview scheduled for tomorrow, we shall see how that goes. I have applied for EVERYTHING. Literally...over HUNDREDS of jobs already, and a minimum of 10 applications a day on top of what I have already applied to. Bad thing is there are A LOT of scammer/trickygetyouintosomething jobs out there!

I checked out the Cosmetology school I am considering enrolling in next year. I LOVE it there. I wish I could start taking classes there the next open session that they have, but realistically, it will be next year in the fall (MAYBE Spring) before I can enroll.

Even my Mom things that I would be a good stylist. (Which SHOCKED the crap outta me!)I have to admit I was a bit nervous when I told her. She was super excited, and guaranteed me that if she won the lotto she would pay for my tution to go! That is LOVE baby! What truly touched me is that she said she would TOTALLY trust me with her hair! WOW! That is HUGE people! My mom has always been VERY picky about who does her hair.

Speaking of hair...I am thinking that it is time I change mine again! (hehe) Before you yell, I have had it this way for about a year, and when people tell you that you are trying to make it into the industry, they say the best way to network is to agree to be a hair model for "students." I met a REALLY AWESOME lady at my local ATC group who owns her own salon in Farmington Hills (right around the corner from my BFF's house!) I am hoping to book an appt. with one of her girls, because when you are a model you get the services FREE!!! You just have to get your picture taken a LOT (for the students portfolio) and be brave and willing to let a new person work on your hair! (Laughs) You do not REALLY have to be THAT brave. Their teachers are right there with them and they tell them what to do and how to do it.

OK I have to go and clean up the dinner dishes and do some laundry now. Plus I still need to prep for my interview tomorrow, and write my "Thank You for the Interview" letter too!

Peace, Wub, and Hello Kitty for All!


P.S. Sorry that I do not update my blog as much as I should! I am trying to be better about that! Please feel free to visit my page as well.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Interview Today...

Went REALLY well. I will be hearing back from them shortly...hopefully. They are still going through the interviewing process, they have already been at it a week! (If at all possible) I would move out there! (Job is in Clarkston!) For those of you who don't know where that is it is NW of Waterford. I ended up leaving the apt. WHOA! Early, so I got there a 1/2 hour before my interview, and then I made some phone calls, and read my devotionalls to kill time. I still ended up going in 15 minutes early. I got to tour the facility (which is Beautiful!) and I just got good vibes whilst I was there. The perks at this place are PRETTY AWESOME too!

Keep your fingers crossed.

I will keep you posted.

Another interview tomorrow, and then on Friday I have a Dr. appt. and then I am meeting up with some friends for lunch. (I have the greatest friends ever! My friend is going to "spot" me for lunch, because she knows that our money is tight right now, but her and my other friend want to see me!)

To all of my friends (and family Duh!) You all rock! Thanks for the pick-me-ups! And the outpouring of well wishes, prayer, and support that you have shown!

Additionally, I got on the scale this morning...AWESOME NEWS TO REPORT! I am down a total of 19.6 pounds! WAHOO BABY!!! All of this running around I am doing trying to find a job is really helping! haha Plus, I have been so busy these past 2 weeks that I barely have time to eat! I am running all around to these different appointments, meetings, and interviews! It is THRILLING!!!

OK well I have to go make some of my "flip journals" for some friends...and more cleaning needs to be done...will my pile of laundry never end???

This is me right now... slap happy!

Hugs and Warm Fuzzies to all!

P.S. Once job is SECURED I will post what I am doing...until then, not talking about it because I do not want to jinx it!

P.P.S. My first Appt. with MARVIN is May 6th!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Quickie Random Update....

Well, I had ANOTHER interview today. Took about an hour to get there, about 1-2 hours for testing, and about 10-15 minutes for a face to face interview! I have been to this temp agency before. We will see if I get anything through them this time. That reminds me, I still have to type a "thank you" letter up.

Hubster has left the Apt. THANK GOD! He has been so stressing over this Economics final, I can not WAIT for him to just get it over with. We are so much alike in the fact that we think that we are going to do bad in our classes and we end up doing just fine! Speaking of which...I found out I got a B- in my Digi Photography class. The jury is still out on my Geology class! I need to check and see if that has been posted has been a week. My other grade I knew within 48 hours. The last class was on Thursday, I had my grade e-mailed to me on Saturday! I am hoping to pull my GPA up enough to get a yellow cord around my neck when I walk in June. That would be SWEET!

I am SUPER excited about my interview on Thursday. Will keep you posted...not saying anything else about it right now...I don't want to jinx myself.

So far I have...went on that interview, looked through my e-mails and applied for jobs, made Kev and me lunch, ran the dryer again, cleaned the kitchen, loaded the dishwasher, and I need to work on the HUGE list of people I need to make phone calls to! Whew!

OK back to work....

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I'd Rather Be Scrapping...: Flurry of Postings...

Take This Job and SHOVE IT!

Original Post: 4/18/08

(Note: Despite what the title says I did leave on good terms with the PRESIDENT of the company. He is a great man, a good friend, and was looking out for me, even when I was not looking out for myself!!!)

Long story short, because I am tired and it has been a long week...

I quit my job on Wednesday. I could not take any more emotional abuse and the negitive things that were said to me on a daily basis really took a toll on me on so many different levels.

I updated my resume and started applying for jobs the same day. I have already gotten two callbacks for interviews, and an e-mail requesting some more information from me.
I am pretty stoked. I am praying (and believeing) that I will have a job before next week is out. I have finals next week too, so it will be a pretty tiring week. I have been NON-STOP these past two days. Up and at em early, and going to bed REALLY late. No napping in between! Can you believe it???

Pray that everything will go OK and I will soon have a great job that I will pursue as a CAREER. That is what I am looking for...not just another "job."

I have several different career paths that I am pursuing, things that I have little to no experience in, but think that I would TOTALLY ROCK at doing.

More later...going to pass out now...I have a Dr. appt early tomorrow, and I am hoping to see some old friends whilst I am down there, as I still see my original doc from back "home."

Peace, Love, and Hello Kitty!

P.S. Something else to is too short, find a way to make yourself happy. Do not settle for "average" strive for "excellence."

Flurry of Postings...

Please feel free to "Friend" me on MySpace.

My User Name is Amy AKA The Kitten of DOOM!!!!

This Time, This Life, This Love...The Only One I Got...

Original Post: 4/23/08

ALOHA! (Read below....)

Well, I am halfway over with finals. I just have my digi class final to complete and I am golden. I will be hitting up the photo lab EARLY tomorrow and I will be there for awhile, until I get my one "design" completed. It hopefully will not take me long, as I know what I want/need to do for it, it is just a matter of putting it all together and printing it in class!

I SWEAR I have been MORE BUSY this week that I HAVEN'T been working, than when I was working! I fell asleep early tonight, missed the alarm on my phone waking me up, so I missed going to the lab tonight, but there is nothing that I can do about it now!

I am waiting to hear from 3 people for interviews/call backs. Just a question that I have...if you haven't heard from someone in awhile, and they say that they will contact you, is it bad form to call them? I called the guy about the one job the other day, and I haven't heard from him, so I am wondering if I blew that now, and the other job that I have good vibes on, I want to call her and work on setting up an interview, but I do not know if that will be seen as "Wow! She is really interested in this job! What a go getter!" Or "Wow! That was an aggressive move, I wonder if she is going to stalk me now?"

I filed for unemployment yesterday, and I called and talked to my old boss about that today. I told him that I would not be on it for very long, and that I wouldn't abuse it if I got it! I thanked him for the career advice, it is something I am currently trying to pursue. (Not telling just yet, trying not to jinx myself...I know, I know superstitions are stupid, but I am not taking ANY chances, I do NOT want any bad juju!) I CAN'T AFFORD IT!

I talked to my mom (and by Aunt Angela was in the background adding comments, thanks Peanut Gallery! ) They are in Hawaii right now...yes, I am sooooo jealous. My mom told me all of the gifts that she bought for everyone, I CAN NOT WAIT to get mine next month! She 's so cute, when you call her and she answers her cell phone she says "ALOHA!" haha I have never heard her so excited and happy. They didn't get in until like 3AM our time. I can NOT believe the time difference there. At 2PM here, it is 7AM there. Crazy huh? I am REALLY happy for them, because I know this is a dream come true for them! (Even if it did take a 23 long hour day!)

Currently listening to: Sarah McLaughlin
Currently Reading: The Book of Days: Living the New Rebellion 365 day devotional

Time to get back to work, housework that is!

Peace, Love, and HELLO KITTY!!!!


Original Post: 4/24/08

I have registered and paid for my Graduation paperwork to be processed, and I will be walking sometime in June, (grrr they changed the date AGAIN!!!! ) When they FINALLY get their act straightened out I will let y'all know, if you want to come.

A LOT of exciting things to report...I'm going on another job interview tomorrow morning, I am waiting to hear back from two more people about jobs and to set up interviews, I apply for about 5-10 jobs a day!

MORE GOOD NEWS...for those of you who are "in the Know" I have been a mentor in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program for almost a year now! (WOW! That long already! Time flies when you are having fun!!!) I was approached by my match co-ordinator and asked to speak at a BBBS Board meeting (where I would meet the CEO!!) and they also asked me if I would like to speak at the B-Dub's event in May too! WHICH I AM SOOOOO excited about!

Now I have to look into getting some jobs (yes, as in two!) and saving up money to go BACK to school and persue ANOTHER degree in a year or so hopefully. With ANY luck, I might be getting a toehold in the industry with one of the jobs that I am waiting to hear back from.

OK time to clean, create art, and do some housework!



GRRR People Suck

Original Post: 4/25/08


How come the people that I WANT to call me back about jobs, aren't, nope, nada...AND to add some Salt to the Wound...the ones that ARE CALLING? Yep, yeppers, oh yea! DEFINENTLY scams...

On the up side...I got treated to Quizno's for dinner by my wonderful wubin husband...Kev! What a sweetie! Nice Chicken Ceaser salad, some Mt. Dew, and a bag of Chips...good stuff! (Even though he ate half of my salad, I was STILL stuffed!)

I am teetering between 5-10 pounds lost now...depends on the day...and the water weight...but I am DEFENENTLY seeing a change!


I need to go create some art and clean...and take a meow nap...maybe then I will not be feeling so bummed....and crabby...and sleepy!

Peace Out!

I NEED A JOBBY JOB ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone out there got one for me???

I am REALLY bummed. I was planning on having a job by now. Things were going so good too! I was getting e-mails and phone calls like everyday. I am applying for jobs like...A TON and NOTHING. It is like I hit a wall. VERY frusterating. I PROMISED Kev (and myself, and pretty much all my friends/family) that I WOULD have a job by Friday.

On the upside, I did get contacted by Unemployment already. I will be getting a DECENT amount of money, IF I am awarded it...I have to fill out some "Fact Finding Forms" before I am granted it or we'll see how that goes....

Say a prayer for us, and I will keep y'all posted as the updates happen...


Thursday, April 17, 2008

No One Said That Change and Personal Growth are Easy

The time finally came. One time too many have my feelings been hurt, and I could NOT take anymore abuse. I quit my job today. Much talking was done by the parties involved, and this was just what needed to happen. Hubster is shaky, but I am cool and collected. I KNOW that we will be provided for. God is looking out for us, and he always will. This was the RIGHT, not EASY decision for me. I was going to have ANOTHER breakdown if I stayed there any longer.

So far I have already:

Contacted SEVERAL friends to find out if their places of employment are hiring, updated my resume, and I have already applied to about 10 jobs. Tomorrow I am going to get my hair cut (It is too wild, shaggy, and crazy looking right now...not professional at all!) go see my counselor at school and register for Graduation, work on my finals and art projects that I have due, and job search some more. I have SEVERAL phone calls that I will be making about jobs as well. Plus I will be updating my resume on some job boards, and checking out to see what he has to tell me. ^-^

Some (the majority) of people FEAR CHANGE. I don't. I am embracing it. I like change, it makes me happy. I know that I have grown as a person and that is why I am moving on. Going to "bigger and better things", "Moving on up...(to the East Side)" I AM "finally going to get a piece of the pie." My amazing boss, friend Jeff told me that "No job is worth your tears."

I am at peace, zen, hell I am NINJA right now. The SKY IS THE LIMIT BABY!!!! I am applying for TONS of different jobs, in TONS of different fields that I have NEVER done before.

I could be a patient transporter this time next week, or a bartender-in-training...who knows? I will NOT be typecast into a stupid shitty clerical cube job that I hate NO MORE!

Whew... 1:30 here. I am so hyper...I do not know how I am going to fall asleep.

I am going to meditate...and do some more laundry.

"There is Joy in the Journey." ~ Taoist saying

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

When you are robbed of your joy...

You need to stop, readjust, realign, meditate, center yourself, pray...whatever term you use for it, like Nike says "Just Do It!"

Most of the things that we (and by "we" I mean "I" worry about are of my own doing. I focus on the wrong things, I "Make Mountains Out of Molehills" as my family is wont to tell me. This is NOT in ANY WAY good. I will have wrinkles, be more likely to have a heart attack, or eat myself to death because of this cloud of "DOOM-Y-NESS" that I carry on my back wherever I go. I have tried this for about 29 years now. It is time I try something new, no?

This is going to be my year. I am thinking, planning, focusing, and mainly...praying (for Divine Intervention!) for MANY things to change in my life, on MANY different levels. Somethings are DEFINENTLY going in the right direction, I’m FINALLY going to get my degree in a few months, I am creating AWESOME (at least to me!) art, I am being a VERY POSITIVE influence on a VERY SPECIAL young lady, my "sister" Carrie, I am SURROUNDED by WONDERFUL people who love me, care about me, and give me AWESOME advice, but at the same not attempt to solve all of my problems for me, I have recently (Thank you Myspace!) hooked up again with VERY old friends, and are (somewhat) current on what is going on in their lives, I HAVE a job, the people I work with are pretty cool, and I can wear T-shirts, jeans, and Crocs to work and it is cool. I can also have crazy colored hair (remember the plum and black??) and THAT is cool. They are aware of my limitations AND my illness, and are cool with me going to Dr. appts and taking time off for school related stuff too, I enjoy my work there, and I look forward to being there for as long as they want me around.

Wow...this deep realization stuff really drains you.

Time to hit the hay!

Peace, Wub, and Hello Kitty!
Big A

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

So SICK of Being SICK!!!!

I am so SICK of getting sick! I swear I have not been this sick in one year EVER!

I had some kind of bug today, not sure what, but I had to leave from work early because of it! My stomach was upset, I had a KILLER headache, my cheeks were pink and flushed, but I was freezing and ache-y all over!

I slept from the time I got home until like 6PM. Wow! I needed it. And I am STILL tired and will prolly go to bed to get MORE REST, I think I need it.

I have to hurry up and get my homework done so I can go to bed.

That is about all for now.


P.S. If you do NOT already have the CD I am listening to, THAN DROP EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING AND GO AND BUY IT!!!!! This is the BEST CD Panic! has put out to date in my humble opinion. AND "She Had the World" is my NEW favorite song.

(CD viewer thing is broken, new CD is Panic at the Disco’s Pretty. Odd. Enjoy!)

Warm Fuzzies to All!

P.P.S. 22 Days until the END of the Semester and I AM GRADUMATATED!!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Week that went by so fast it felt like it never was...

Well, parents came and visited and left already, I got to spend some time with them and see them twice. I got to take my mom to some of my favorite places, introduced her to some of my friends, and help her get a "special project" started. I wish that they didn't live so far away, I would LOVE to scrap with her more often.

Kev and I went to our FAV BBQ place for dinner, only to find that it would be our "Last Supper" there, because thanks to stupid Famous Dave's that moved down the street from them, they were closing. On the up side though, we did score two free T-shirts from "the establishment" thanks a great deal to our AWESOME server that we had. I had to take a pic of us eating there for the last time. So I could scrap it. Because the weather was kind of nice, Kev and I went to a park and walked around and looked for signs of "spring," which we did find quite a bit actually. Some flowers are beginning to bloom/grow, the ice/snow is pretty much gone, and we saw/heard a BUNCH of birds, "talking" back and forth, and somewheres there was a woodpecker pecking. I will post some pics up of our walks through the park over the next couple of weeks.

I sat down and wrote out some short term and long term goals that I want to accomplish after having a lengthy discussion with Kev this morning. I read somewhere that if you write down your goals and keep track of your progress you are like 90% more likely to stay on track and keep them.

Less than a month until I am done with school!! WAHOO!!!! I can't WAIT for this semester to be over and for me to FINALLY graduate!

And to my collab friends who are reading this right now, and for those of you who know I have started writing poetry again, I had to skip out on this week's collab. With my family being in town, and me attempting to play catch up with everything that I needed to get done (Still not done with everything I wanted to get done!) I apologize for not posting any poems this week. My muse is resting this week apparently. I am confident that she will resurface soon.

FYI-I joined ANOTHER ATC group, and I am wicked excited about that. I have already agreed to take part in 3 swaps,and one person-to-person trade with a fabulous lady named Linda that lives in Denmark. I will be getting a cool package of goodies from her soon in the mail, and my friend Steph from the same group should have me something in the mail tomorrow for helping her out with some stamp questions. (She is working on her very own product line!) There are so many creative positive people in my life, I am truly blessed beyond measure. To the ladies that attended my event yesterday I thank you wholeheartedly, and I know that all of you were bemused by my interactions with my mother. Do NOT get me wrong, I love her I REALLY REALLY's just that she makes me CRAZY but I do ADORE and VERY MUCH RESPECT my mother. It was just REALLY HARD TO TELL I am sure. But we have always had a strained relationship, and I fear that we always will. We just know the right buttons to push I guess?

OK signing off for now...

Peace and Wub,
Big A

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

At least I am Maintaining One New Year's Resolution

I am doing really good about exploring my options and expanding my creative horizons. I am creating a bunch of ATC's and fun fabulous stuff for that group, I just joined up with a MySpace Poetry group, I am taking a Digital Photography class, I am playing with Photoshop CONSTANTLY now, and I am getting ready to explore some ideas with "mini-books" for my scrapbooking. I am contimplating going up to some LSS's tomorrow and do some scrappy browsing. I am even contimplating pursuing a graphic design degree sometime in the near future.

OK time to go do a few chores before bedtime.

Btw...Lee if you are reading this, I LOVE my card you sent me! You sweetie!

Monday, March 17, 2008

First poem in awhile-Group Effort!

OK all...It has been a LONG time since I have written a poem...BE GENTLE!!

Over a Decade of Us

By Fabulously Fractured Feline
(A Cheryl’s Pals Collab – My First One!!!)

My mind wonders to the day that we met.
Over a decade we have been together, I can never forget.
Before you I was drowning in despair and doom.
I was done, the moment you entered the room.
I love the way you love me.
You are the center of my Universe, and you always will be.
Strong and wild, slow and easy, heart and soul, so completely.
Time has not weakened our song.
Everyone said they knew we belonged.
This bond between us won’t break, it’s much too strong.
You challenge my mind and make me see things anew.
I was a wilting flower searching for the morning’s dew.
It makes me smile now, to understand what I already new
How in those first caresses we shared, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you
Originally captivated by your eyes of blue
As you wrap your arms around me and love me too
You touch me as no others can do
We’re quite the pair, are we, us two—
completely off kilter, but for us right on cue!
I love to reminisce, as you sing me a tune
As we go out for a stroll under the sweet light of the moon
Dancing and twirling the night away
With stars in the sky and our fears at bay
A quiet night together, or a simple kiss
My mind cherishes all of the funny little things, which most just miss
Reaching down from the periwinkle skies above,
We so enjoy our time with you
We feel our ancestors smiling over us
As a heavenly chorus

As this is my first post I hope that you enjoyed it!

I must give credit where credit is due!!!

Thanks for letting me "borrow" your lines:Lady Cheryl
Colleen B, joskibear, LingoDiva, Linda, Ronnale, Lady Oregon, AliciaGrace, Sheila A, ~Susan~,~Insatiable Jewel, Mary Ska, 70schild60ssoul, Pink Sapphire, ---divine, Knight Master, Raiden, Wizard of Awwwwwws

Let me know what you thought!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Back to Square 1....What a Great Way to Start Over!

So I started the day off in truly a spectacular way. I met one of my buddie's up at Caribou on Union Lake and we had several hours of stimulating convo over some truly delectible coffee. I feel so refreshed and rejuvinated. Immediately when I came home, I kissed my hubster and gave him a hug, he is still currently taking a nap, and I am taking a moment out of my busy "rearranging and cleaning" schedule to post a good word to all my faithful readers. That would be y'all.
I have decided to not take the shit that happens at work so personally anymore. I DEFINENTLY do not need to bring it out of the office, beyond my half hour drive home, and drag it along with my sorry butt into the house. NO MAS! I have a new strategy for how I will conduct myself in the office, and I hope I have the balls to follow through with it. We shall see...I am going to do my best to make sure I stick to this path.
It is high time that I ME MYSELF take the INITITAVE in my life to make sure that I AM THE ONE MAKING MYSELF HAPPY! I can not rely on everyone else to make me happy. A big boulder of happyness is not going to rain down from the sky on my head everyday.
So that being said...I am physically and then emotionally and mentally going to get rid of the "Clutter" in my life. I need to SIMPLIFY! Since I have been reading this "Tao of Pooh" book I find myself saying "What would Pooh do if he were in the situation I am in?"
OK sorry all, but I gotta jet...there is much that still needs to be done...
Peace, Love, and Hello Kitty!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I feel Ninja Good...aka I am LUVIN life right now...

Wow! This week is off to a GREAT start! Amber and I TOTALLY kicked some invoicing hinie today! We processed a ton of orders and got a lot done! I love that girl, she is 10 years younger than me and never ceases to make me smile and laugh. She is always so perky and happy. I am feeling pretty good. Nice and relaxed. Mondays are always a bit stressful at work, but we got through it and things are good. I do NOT know what the deal is, but EVERYONE at work almost is sick. Bryan (Beans), Mike, even Kelley. ACK! I FEAR COOTIES! I started with the chewable vitamin C strategy today!
School is back in session for me. Two more months to go! WAHOO! That reminds me...I gotta e-mail my counselor and get things set for my Graduation! I am considering pursuing a Graphic Design degree at some point in the future, but not right now. I am so flipping sick of being in school!
It is about this time, at the end of a long day that I realize...I need new glasses. I can not WAIT for my appointment on Saturday afternoon! My eyes are REALLY dry and I can physically feel the strain on them. Honestly...Wal Mart WAY cool glasses for WHOA! cheap!
OK time to hit hay. Need to get up early again tomorrow and finish reading my chapter for Geology class. I wonder how I did on my first exam???
Peace out homeslices!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Beautiful Betrayer...The Devil with a Beautiful Face...

You charmed and feigned your way to earning my trust. You were NEVER my friend. You broke up friendships, attempted breaking up the best relationship I ever had, and generally F-ed over my whole life for awhile. You have shaken the trust I placed in human beings, and reaffirmed the fact that some people are just BORN EVIL and always stay that way. You ruined things for me on so many, friendships, almost my relationship. I do not HATE you anymore, I have moved on from that. But I will NEVER get over the scars that you have placed on my soul. Even matter how many times I try in my dreams...your memory can not be killed and purged from my mind.
My only solace is this:
1. My man is true blue and would not fail for your cheap slutty little tricks. I wonder if the same can be said for yours?
2. The friendships that were strained are mended, those that really mattered anyways, and the ones that were shattered were kind of broken to begin with. There is a time when you give up the chase. If the person is a TRUE FRIEND they will come back in some form...if not you let go, wish them well and move on.
3. I am much wiser in who I call my "friend" now. I truly adore my best friend, for everything that she is to me that you never were.
4. I am ZEN in the fact that what goes around comes around! You will get yours one day.
I am finally to the point that if I passed by you on the street...I would do just that, pass you by and not acknowledge your presence whatsoever, or give as much acknowledgement as one might a dirty discarded doll...or a beautiful but LEATHAL might be something you stop and look at for a second to appreciate it's sad beauty, but you do not want to get too close. It took me years, but I have recovered from your toxins, and I just consider you to be pathetic now. So sad really, you are such an unhappy person that you try and steal others happiness away from them.
The devil sometimes comes to us wearing a mask of beauty. This is the message as I interpret it from these dreams.
Your name SHOULD HAVE been Lilith, as Lucifer was already taken.

Monday, January 7, 2008

The Dreaded "R" Word...

Yep, the dreaded "R" word that always shows up around this time of year..."Resolutions"...
I have made several to myself, some of them I will share here...
1. Eat better
2. Lose weight
3. Exercise (I would say more, but anything is more than what I was currently doing)
4. Choose my words wisely.
5. Be kinder to everyone I come in contact with on a daily basis.
6. Be better about my spending habits. Choose what I buy wisely, and really weigh if I need the item, or if it is just a want?
7. Think about/Create some small form of art every day!

Kev and I just joined a gym, tonight was our first workout...I anticipate being sore tomorrow...we have been eating EXTREMELY well lately. AND I am even working on cutting back the amount of caffine I take in on a daily basis...i.e. more water, less pop. We are making better food choices, and keeping healther snacks in the house.
OK I got to hit the shower, and do some studying for my class tomorrow.
Wishing everyone their own version of bliss...

Update on 2008 - The year so far...

I am so FREAKING excited. So many good things have happened so far this year...
My friend Susie is engaged, my cousin Jessica just got engaged, my other cousin (Jessica's sister) Tracy is due to have her baby today, my BFF Kristin just got a new dog (his name is Ethan and he is SOOO freaking cute!) I just got an Ipod Nano with my bonus and Christmas money. I got to play around with Photoshop today. (There are several things I am working on for my ATC group. ATC=Artist Trading Cards) Kev and I go back to school this week. This is my LAST semester!!!! YAHOO!!!! Me and Kev have gotten into this REALLY cool video game online, it is FREE (YAY!) and it is SOOOO much fun. It is basically all we did this weekend! haha It is called Flyff. I have another appt. with my therapist on Wednesday. I just feel REALLY good and positive about this year.
There are SEVERAL things I am saving up my money for. There are these TOTALLY pimp Doc Martens shoes that I want sooooo bad...they are gonna have to wait though. I am TRYING to convince Kev to get them for me for Valentines day. They are black and brown and spotted, like cheetah print almost. I need some new shoes bad. And my fav pair of cords just ripped on, I have had them for awhile, and it is just were the belt loop just adds character right? OK well, I gotta go update my flickr website with new pics, and I will post some on here as well.

Peace, Love, and Prosperity to all in this GLORIOUS New Year!!!!