Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thus a New Blog is Born....

At the request of a very dear friend, I have created my little corner of the web here. Whew! I am exhausted! I have had nothing but problems trying to get this thing going! The good news is that the account is going good, even though I just posted a BUNCH of new pics and I do not see them on my site yet, but whatever.

So tired...I got up really early to take my "Little Sister" and her little sister Mya to the BBBS holiday party today. Not to be mean, but I am LOATHE to drive in Detroit. Not that I am scared or anything, just that it is so confusing to drive down there all the time.

Oh well, we got where we needed to go, the girls got some presents, and we had a good time for the most part. I do not know if Mya will be joining us again on our outings, but that is another story for another time.

Work has been stressful. There are SO many orders that need to be processed, we are actually working weekends now. I talked to my boss today, he would like me to come in tomorrow, and I probably will for a little while anyways.

OK I am literally exhausted, so I am hitting the sack for now.

Peace love and KFC for All!

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