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Well, parents came and visited and left already, I got to spend some time with them and see them twice. I got to take my mom to some of my favorite places, introduced her to some of my friends, and help her get a "special project" started. I wish that they didn't live so far away, I would LOVE to scrap with her more often.
Kev and I went to our FAV BBQ place for dinner, only to find that it would be our "Last Supper" there, because thanks to stupid Famous Dave's that moved down the street from them, they were closing. On the up side though, we did score two free T-shirts from "the establishment" thanks a great deal to our AWESOME server that we had. I had to take a pic of us eating there for the last time. So I could scrap it. Because the weather was kind of nice, Kev and I went to a park and walked around and looked for signs of "spring," which we did find quite a bit actually. Some flowers are beginning to bloom/grow, the ice/snow is pretty much gone, and we saw/heard a BUNCH of birds, "talking" back and forth, and somewheres there was a woodpecker pecking. I will post some pics up of our walks through the park over the next couple of weeks.
I sat down and wrote out some short term and long term goals that I want to accomplish after having a lengthy discussion with Kev this morning. I read somewhere that if you write down your goals and keep track of your progress you are like 90% more likely to stay on track and keep them.
Less than a month until I am done with school!! WAHOO!!!! I can't WAIT for this semester to be over and for me to FINALLY graduate!
And to my collab friends who are reading this right now, and for those of you who know I have started writing poetry again, I had to skip out on this week's collab. With my family being in town, and me attempting to play catch up with everything that I needed to get done (Still not done with everything I wanted to get done!) I apologize for not posting any poems this week. My muse is resting this week apparently. I am confident that she will resurface soon.
FYI-I joined ANOTHER ATC group, and I am wicked excited about that. I have already agreed to take part in 3 swaps,and one person-to-person trade with a fabulous lady named Linda that lives in Denmark. I will be getting a cool package of goodies from her soon in the mail, and my friend Steph from the same group should have me something in the mail tomorrow for helping her out with some stamp questions. (She is working on her very own product line!) There are so many creative positive people in my life, I am truly blessed beyond measure. To the ladies that attended my event yesterday I thank you wholeheartedly, and I know that all of you were bemused by my interactions with my mother. Do NOT get me wrong, I love her I REALLY REALLY's just that she makes me CRAZY but I do ADORE and VERY MUCH RESPECT my mother.
It was just REALLY HARD TO TELL I am sure.
But we have always had a strained relationship, and I fear that we always will. We just know the right buttons to push I guess?
OK signing off for now...
Peace and Wub,
Big A
I am doing really good about exploring my options and expanding my creative horizons. I am creating a bunch of ATC's and fun fabulous stuff for that group, I just joined up with a MySpace Poetry group, I am taking a Digital Photography class, I am playing with Photoshop CONSTANTLY now, and I am getting ready to explore some ideas with "mini-books" for my scrapbooking. I am contimplating going up to some LSS's tomorrow and do some scrappy browsing. I am even contimplating pursuing a graphic design degree sometime in the near future.OK time to go do a few chores before bedtime.Btw...Lee if you are reading this, I LOVE my card you sent me! You sweetie!
OK all...It has been a LONG time since I have written a poem...BE GENTLE!!
Over a Decade of UsBy Fabulously Fractured Feline(A Cheryl’s Pals Collab – My First One!!!)My mind wonders to the day that we met. Over a decade we have been together, I can never forget.Before you I was drowning in despair and doom.I was done, the moment you entered the room.I love the way you love me.You are the center of my Universe, and you always will be. Strong and wild, slow and easy, heart and soul, so completely.Time has not weakened our song.Everyone said they knew we belonged.This bond between us won’t break, it’s much too strong.You challenge my mind and make me see things anew.I was a wilting flower searching for the morning’s dew.It makes me smile now, to understand what I already newHow in those first caresses we shared, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you Originally captivated by your eyes of blue As you wrap your arms around me and love me tooYou touch me as no others can doWe’re quite the pair, are we, us two—completely off kilter, but for us right on cue!I love to reminisce, as you sing me a tune As we go out for a stroll under the sweet light of the moonDancing and twirling the night awayWith stars in the sky and our fears at bayA quiet night together, or a simple kissMy mind cherishes all of the funny little things, which most just missReaching down from the periwinkle skies above,We so enjoy our time with youWe feel our ancestors smiling over usAs a heavenly chorus As this is my first post I hope that you enjoyed it!I must give credit where credit is due!!!Thanks for letting me "borrow" your lines:Lady CherylColleen B, joskibear, LingoDiva, Linda, Ronnale, Lady Oregon, AliciaGrace, Sheila A, ~Susan~,~Insatiable Jewel, Mary Ska, 70schild60ssoul, Pink Sapphire, ---divine, Knight Master, Raiden, Wizard of Awwwwwws
Let me know what you thought!
So I started the day off in truly a spectacular way. I met one of my buddie's up at Caribou on Union Lake and we had several hours of stimulating convo over some truly delectible coffee. I feel so refreshed and rejuvinated. Immediately when I came home, I kissed my hubster and gave him a hug, he is still currently taking a nap, and I am taking a moment out of my busy "rearranging and cleaning" schedule to post a good word to all my faithful readers. That would be y'all.
I have decided to not take the shit that happens at work so personally anymore. I DEFINENTLY do not need to bring it out of the office, beyond my half hour drive home, and drag it along with my sorry butt into the house. NO MAS! I have a new strategy for how I will conduct myself in the office, and I hope I have the balls to follow through with it. We shall see...I am going to do my best to make sure I stick to this path.
It is high time that I ME MYSELF take the INITITAVE in my life to make sure that I AM THE ONE MAKING MYSELF HAPPY! I can not rely on everyone else to make me happy. A big boulder of happyness is not going to rain down from the sky on my head everyday.
So that being said...I am physically and then emotionally and mentally going to get rid of the "Clutter" in my life. I need to SIMPLIFY! Since I have been reading this "Tao of Pooh" book I find myself saying "What would Pooh do if he were in the situation I am in?"
OK sorry all, but I gotta jet...there is much that still needs to be done...
Peace, Love, and Hello Kitty!
Wow! This week is off to a GREAT start! Amber and I TOTALLY kicked some invoicing hinie today! We processed a ton of orders and got a lot done! I love that girl, she is 10 years younger than me and never ceases to make me smile and laugh. She is always so perky and happy. I am feeling pretty good. Nice and relaxed. Mondays are always a bit stressful at work, but we got through it and things are good. I do NOT know what the deal is, but EVERYONE at work almost is sick. Bryan (Beans), Mike, even Kelley. ACK! I FEAR COOTIES! I started with the chewable vitamin C strategy today!
School is back in session for me. Two more months to go! WAHOO! That reminds me...I gotta e-mail my counselor and get things set for my Graduation! I am considering pursuing a Graphic Design degree at some point in the future, but not right now. I am so flipping sick of being in school!
It is about this time, at the end of a long day that I realize...I need new glasses. I can not WAIT for my appointment on Saturday afternoon! My eyes are REALLY dry and I can physically feel the strain on them. Honestly...Wal Mart WAY cool glasses for WHOA! cheap!
OK time to hit hay. Need to get up early again tomorrow and finish reading my chapter for Geology class. I wonder how I did on my first exam???
Peace out homeslices!
You charmed and feigned your way to earning my trust. You were NEVER my friend. You broke up friendships, attempted breaking up the best relationship I ever had, and generally F-ed over my whole life for awhile. You have shaken the trust I placed in human beings, and reaffirmed the fact that some people are just BORN EVIL and always stay that way. You ruined things for me on so many, friendships, almost my relationship. I do not HATE you anymore, I have moved on from that. But I will NEVER get over the scars that you have placed on my soul. Even matter how many times I try in my dreams...your memory can not be killed and purged from my mind.
My only solace is this:
1. My man is true blue and would not fail for your cheap slutty little tricks. I wonder if the same can be said for yours?
2. The friendships that were strained are mended, those that really mattered anyways, and the ones that were shattered were kind of broken to begin with. There is a time when you give up the chase. If the person is a TRUE FRIEND they will come back in some form...if not you let go, wish them well and move on.
3. I am much wiser in who I call my "friend" now. I truly adore my best friend, for everything that she is to me that you never were.
4. I am ZEN in the fact that what goes around comes around! You will get yours one day.
I am finally to the point that if I passed by you on the street...I would do just that, pass you by and not acknowledge your presence whatsoever, or give as much acknowledgement as one might a dirty discarded doll...or a beautiful but LEATHAL might be something you stop and look at for a second to appreciate it's sad beauty, but you do not want to get too close. It took me years, but I have recovered from your toxins, and I just consider you to be pathetic now. So sad really, you are such an unhappy person that you try and steal others happiness away from them.
The devil sometimes comes to us wearing a mask of beauty. This is the message as I interpret it from these dreams.
Your name SHOULD HAVE been Lilith, as Lucifer was already taken.