Kev and I went to our FAV BBQ place for dinner, only to find that it would be our "Last Supper" there, because thanks to stupid Famous Dave's that moved down the street from them, they were closing. On the up side though, we did score two free T-shirts from "the establishment" thanks a great deal to our AWESOME server that we had. I had to take a pic of us eating there for the last time. So I could scrap it. Because the weather was kind of nice, Kev and I went to a park and walked around and looked for signs of "spring," which we did find quite a bit actually. Some flowers are beginning to bloom/grow, the ice/snow is pretty much gone, and we saw/heard a BUNCH of birds, "talking" back and forth, and somewheres there was a woodpecker pecking. I will post some pics up of our walks through the park over the next couple of weeks.
I sat down and wrote out some short term and long term goals that I want to accomplish after having a lengthy discussion with Kev this morning. I read somewhere that if you write down your goals and keep track of your progress you are like 90% more likely to stay on track and keep them.
Less than a month until I am done with school!! WAHOO!!!! I can't WAIT for this semester to be over and for me to FINALLY graduate!
And to my collab friends who are reading this right now, and for those of you who know I have started writing poetry again, I had to skip out on this week's collab. With my family being in town, and me attempting to play catch up with everything that I needed to get done (Still not done with everything I wanted to get done!) I apologize for not posting any poems this week. My muse is resting this week apparently. I am confident that she will resurface soon.
FYI-I joined ANOTHER ATC group, and I am wicked excited about that. I have already agreed to take part in 3 swaps,and one person-to-person trade with a fabulous lady named Linda that lives in Denmark. I will be getting a cool package of goodies from her soon in the mail, and my friend Steph from the same group should have me something in the mail tomorrow for helping her out with some stamp questions. (She is working on her very own product line!) There are so many creative positive people in my life, I am truly blessed beyond measure. To the ladies that attended my event yesterday I thank you wholeheartedly, and I know that all of you were bemused by my interactions with my mother. Do NOT get me wrong, I love her I REALLY REALLY's just that she makes me CRAZY but I do ADORE and VERY MUCH RESPECT my mother.
OK signing off for now...
Peace and Wub,
Big A
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