Sunday, March 9, 2008

Back to Square 1....What a Great Way to Start Over!

So I started the day off in truly a spectacular way. I met one of my buddie's up at Caribou on Union Lake and we had several hours of stimulating convo over some truly delectible coffee. I feel so refreshed and rejuvinated. Immediately when I came home, I kissed my hubster and gave him a hug, he is still currently taking a nap, and I am taking a moment out of my busy "rearranging and cleaning" schedule to post a good word to all my faithful readers. That would be y'all.
I have decided to not take the shit that happens at work so personally anymore. I DEFINENTLY do not need to bring it out of the office, beyond my half hour drive home, and drag it along with my sorry butt into the house. NO MAS! I have a new strategy for how I will conduct myself in the office, and I hope I have the balls to follow through with it. We shall see...I am going to do my best to make sure I stick to this path.
It is high time that I ME MYSELF take the INITITAVE in my life to make sure that I AM THE ONE MAKING MYSELF HAPPY! I can not rely on everyone else to make me happy. A big boulder of happyness is not going to rain down from the sky on my head everyday.
So that being said...I am physically and then emotionally and mentally going to get rid of the "Clutter" in my life. I need to SIMPLIFY! Since I have been reading this "Tao of Pooh" book I find myself saying "What would Pooh do if he were in the situation I am in?"
OK sorry all, but I gotta jet...there is much that still needs to be done...
Peace, Love, and Hello Kitty!

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