Wednesday, April 2, 2008

So SICK of Being SICK!!!!

I am so SICK of getting sick! I swear I have not been this sick in one year EVER!

I had some kind of bug today, not sure what, but I had to leave from work early because of it! My stomach was upset, I had a KILLER headache, my cheeks were pink and flushed, but I was freezing and ache-y all over!

I slept from the time I got home until like 6PM. Wow! I needed it. And I am STILL tired and will prolly go to bed to get MORE REST, I think I need it.

I have to hurry up and get my homework done so I can go to bed.

That is about all for now.


P.S. If you do NOT already have the CD I am listening to, THAN DROP EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING AND GO AND BUY IT!!!!! This is the BEST CD Panic! has put out to date in my humble opinion. AND "She Had the World" is my NEW favorite song.

(CD viewer thing is broken, new CD is Panic at the Disco’s Pretty. Odd. Enjoy!)

Warm Fuzzies to All!

P.P.S. 22 Days until the END of the Semester and I AM GRADUMATATED!!!!

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