I have registered and paid for my Graduation paperwork to be processed, and I will be walking sometime in June, (grrr they changed the date AGAIN!!!!
A LOT of exciting things to report...I'm going on another job interview tomorrow morning, I am waiting to hear back from two more people about jobs and to set up interviews, I apply for about 5-10 jobs a day!
MORE GOOD NEWS...for those of you who are "in the Know" I have been a mentor in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program for almost a year now! (WOW! That long already! Time flies when you are having fun!!!) I was approached by my match co-ordinator and asked to speak at a BBBS Board meeting (where I would meet the CEO!!) and they also asked me if I would like to speak at the B-Dub's event in May too! WHICH I AM SOOOOO excited about!
Now I have to look into getting some jobs (yes, as in two!) and saving up money to go BACK to school and persue ANOTHER degree in a year or so hopefully. With ANY luck, I might be getting a toehold in the industry with one of the jobs that I am waiting to hear back from.
OK time to clean, create art, and do some housework!
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