(Note: Despite what the title says I did leave on good terms with the PRESIDENT of the company. He is a great man, a good friend, and was looking out for me, even when I was not looking out for myself!!!)
Long story short, because I am tired and it has been a long week...
I quit my job on Wednesday. I could not take any more emotional abuse and the negitive things that were said to me on a daily basis really took a toll on me on so many different levels.
I updated my resume and started applying for jobs the same day. I have already gotten two callbacks for interviews, and an e-mail requesting some more information from me.
I am pretty stoked. I am praying (and believeing) that I will have a job before next week is out. I have finals next week too, so it will be a pretty tiring week. I have been NON-STOP these past two days. Up and at em early, and going to bed REALLY late. No napping in between! Can you believe it???
Pray that everything will go OK and I will soon have a great job that I will pursue as a CAREER. That is what I am looking for...not just another "job."
I have several different career paths that I am pursuing, things that I have little to no experience in, but think that I would TOTALLY ROCK at doing.
More later...going to pass out now...I have a Dr. appt early tomorrow, and I am hoping to see some old friends whilst I am down there, as I still see my original doc from back "home."
Peace, Love, and Hello Kitty!
P.S. Something else to consider...life is too short, find a way to make yourself happy. Do not settle for "average" strive for "excellence."
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