Most of the things that we (and by "we" I mean "I" worry about are of my own doing. I focus on the wrong things, I "Make Mountains Out of Molehills" as my family is wont to tell me. This is NOT in ANY WAY good. I will have wrinkles, be more likely to have a heart attack, or eat myself to death because of this cloud of "DOOM-Y-NESS" that I carry on my back wherever I go. I have tried this for about 29 years now. It is time I try something new, no?
This is going to be my year. I am thinking, planning, focusing, and mainly...praying (for Divine Intervention!) for MANY things to change in my life, on MANY different levels. Somethings are DEFINENTLY going in the right direction, I’m FINALLY going to get my degree in a few months, I am creating AWESOME (at least to me!) art, I am being a VERY POSITIVE influence on a VERY SPECIAL young lady, my "sister" Carrie, I am SURROUNDED by WONDERFUL people who love me, care about me, and give me AWESOME advice, but at the same not attempt to solve all of my problems for me, I have recently (Thank you Myspace!) hooked up again with VERY old friends, and are (somewhat) current on what is going on in their lives, I HAVE a job, the people I work with are pretty cool, and I can wear T-shirts, jeans, and Crocs to work and it is cool. I can also have crazy colored hair (remember the plum and black??) and THAT is cool. They are aware of my limitations AND my illness, and are cool with me going to Dr. appts and taking time off for school related stuff too, I enjoy my work there, and I look forward to being there for as long as they want me around.
Wow...this deep realization stuff really drains you.
Time to hit the hay!
Peace, Wub, and Hello Kitty!
Big A
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